As part of my work at Lix Technologies I have planned and facilitated multiple workshops that have served the team in different ways. The first workshop was used as an inspiration basis for the team of developers and designers, working with the onboarding for a second pilot of a subscription service with our product. The second one was used by the marketing team as a way of giving a clear structure of what the team should be focusing on.
The Onboarding Workshop
Voting from the most relevant ideas for the customer experience from each participants' perspective.
This first workshop was planned to help the team to ideate around the current experience we were offering to the students within a pilot for a subscription service. I divided the team into three groups and each team had to create a piece of the journey: Before, During and After.
I gave each team a template with the beginning and the ending steps for each one of the phases of the journey, so the team would have a better idea of which moment of the journey they were ideating about. Each team had 20min to come up with the ideal experience for our customers, consisting of the different steps that we should potentially provide the student with, so the experience would be exceptional.
Before team: Service designer and a remote frontend developer working together using Figma.
Before: This team consisted of one Service Designer and a remote developer. Together they built a journey using the UI tool Figma, to facilitate their remote work. This team had to focus on the steps between hearing about Lix for the first time and downloading the app into their computer.
During team: Backend developer, UI designer and CTO.
During: This team was integrated by a UI designer, the company’s CTO and a backend developer. Together they had to imagine how would it be the ideal experience for a student form the moment the opened the recently downloaded app in their computers and the end of the free trial period.
After team: Frontend developer, support and Management.
After: The last team was composed by the developers manager, a frontend developer and our main support representative. Together they had to ideate between the moment when the free trial ends and the continuos payment.
Time was up! And each team presented their ideas. Together as a team we asked questions and highlighted or improved some of the ideas the team proposed. At the end of the workshop each participant had the role to vote for the moment of the journey they thought was the most relevant for our customers in each one of the phases of the journey.
The main result from the journey mapping process was the reflection each team member made around their own role in the construction of an optimal experience for the customers. Also as a team we recognized new elements that could add a different vibe to the brand and the value proposition, making us reflect on what we could implement today that could take us that ideal journey for tomorrow.
As a summary of the workshop experience I summarized our findings and the journey we created into this short report. Highlighting the new areas we could build around as projects to work with, prioritizing and defining their impact for the customer experience.
Everything visible in this document belongs to Lix Technologies Aps. and can't be used for any type of commercial reproduction, alteration or modification of its content.