The following are prototypes I have made to help in the concept ideation during development of a feature inside the Lix app.
Prototypes of the WOW Features
The first group of sketches represent the features the team is developing for Q3 2019 and were developed during the summer of 2018. Some of the concepts present where were tested with potential customers of the product.
The following are more specific sketches of the features to be implemente in the app: text-to-speech and related content. Related content was an idea that came from user feedback and research. We found out that the students often relate what they read with content that is in the internet that helps them to understand easily.
Upload your own content feature
I made this rough sketches to work and ideate together with the developer team. They served as an un-finished basis of discussion to add more ideas or remove parts of it. The version 1 proposed three bookshelf to find the books, the uploaded content separately and third one presenting the content together for easy access for the user.
Possible design of the bookshelf
One tab for each type of content
Specific tab for uploading own content
The second version was developed after receiving feedback from the developer team. It made the bookshelf more simple and intuitive and the uploading process quicker.
Bookshelf and upload content more accesible
The platform should communicate about the experience
Deleting and changing the name is easier
The following step was for one of the frontend devs to start working on it utilizing elements from the app and this is how the final result looks like: