Logistics system map
For helping the logistics team to better communicate their function in the company and the way they make impact the following system maps were digitized to make it simpler for them to transmit their current process.

Worldwide fulfillment process.

United States fulfillment process.

Lost package loop.
Re-sellers system map
Following the same idea of better communicating internal processes for the rest of the company employees and for new members of the team a map for the sales team was created to depict the relationship between re-sellers and distributors.

A first sketch was created while having a talk with the sales representative taking care of the process. Together we sketched the way the process looked and later on the map was digitized.

Process a value added re-sellers has to go through to be approved by the company.
Kitchen posters
With the aim of making more evident the new rules for the use of the kitchen the following posters were created to guide the employees on how to use the machines and which elements they should take into account.

This was printed only in one place in the office, close to the dishwasher machine.
For the creation of this posters it was necessary some photography edition, illustration and graphic design styling.

"After we hang them in the office people places the dishes in a very tidy and nice way!"
Marina Marín, Office Manager at Airtame
Airtame Handbook: For employees moving to Denmark
This project was created in collaboration with the HR department. Together we design a playbook that aims to help new employees of the company to install themselves in Copenhagen. The following demo was created during a two day hackathon in the Copenhagen headquarters.
This projects were done in collaboration with multiple areas inside the organization, involving different people and teams. Everything visible in this document belongs to Airtame Aps and can´t be used for any type of commercial reproduction, alteration or modification of its content.